The Official Sharon Tate Fansite

Thank you for signing  Sharon Tate's
"Hollywood Walk of Fame"
Star Petition!

Sharon Tate is probablly first and only example of pure and innocent american actress.Please put a star of Sharon Tate on the walk of fame.For her, her family, her fans and United States.
ivan <>
lipik, croatia - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 16:00:43 (CDT)

Hollywood blvd. will not be complete without sharon tate
Kathryn <>
Doylestown, PA USA - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 15:35:15 (CDT)

She should get a star in Hollywood because if she was alive today she would have got one. She was really good when she was alive. and if she was today. You know that many more people then there is now would be fans of her and we should show them who she was.
Saidee wood <>
windsor locks, CT USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 15:20:58 (CDT)

Truly one of the most beautiful and inspiring women ever to grace this world - I will never forget her. It is a crime that she does not already have a star - for she IS an eternal Star.
E.M. Hinson <>
Brunswick, GA USA - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 20:51:32 (CDT)

Sharon was the most beautiful women I have ever seen and she was a great actress. Please put a star on the walk of fame for Sharon Tate.
Jana <>
Berlin, Germany - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 09:02:44 (CDT)

To whom it may concern, Sharon tate was a beautiful and talented actress who's life was tragically cut short before her talent could fully be recognized. I feel that a star on the Walk of Fame would be a great way to make tribute to her memory. I hope this can be considered. Sincerely Mike Shepherd
Mike Shepherd <>
Wellsville, Ohio USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 12:41:45 (CDT)

I was only a child when Sharon Tate was taken away from us. She was a beautiful woman who was clean and decent.- even her nude photos. They were really the first photos of anyone that you could consider art. Sharon was the embodiment of the 1960's. Valley of the Dolls was one of my favourite cult films. Please consider Sharon on the walk of fame. Trust me she might not have a lot of film credits, but I really have to question some of the other people who have their stars on the Walk of Fame.
Leonard Dousa <>
watertown, ma USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 19:14:17 (CDT)

I share her last name and my grandmother actually did some geneology work on the Tate side of our family showing that we are somehow related, but since her death, we are unsure of how or if it was true..but i have always and will always be an avid or not!!!!
Christie Tate <>
Duncanville, TX USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 19:07:37 (CDT)

I think Sharon was a very beautiful and talented young star. I was very sad with the news of her death. A "Star" would be a wonderful way to pay tribute to her. God Bless.
Barbara Hight Stewart <>
Grand Prairie, Tx USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 21:06:57 (CDT)

please give this totally wonderful woman a star on the walk of fame....she has earned it...with her life. Thank you
c crowley <>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 00:42:26 (CDT)

A great actress, with a hypnotic screen presence. A star is undoubtedly deserved in this case, and shame on anyone who would stand in the way! May her spirit live forever. A loyal fan.
M. Totty <>
Toledo, OH USA - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 23:47:28 (CDT)

Sharon Tate was a great actress. It is unthinkable that her beautiful life was cut short by a group of maniacs. If she had survived she would have been one of America's leading ladies.
Misty Delmere <>
Granbury, TX USA - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 11:43:20 (CDT)

Yes, Please do this.
Chuck Tyrrell <>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 19:06:15 (CDT)

Je confirme que Sharon Tate était, est et restera une des plus belles icônes hollywoodiennes à l'étranger. A ce titre, elle a bien sa place au Hollywood Walk of fame.
Jean-Charles DETHON <>
Metz, France - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 08:03:22 (CDT)

I support that Sharron Tate should have a star on the Hollywood Blvd. She has affected my life on everything that is beautiful and spiritual. Not only a star who's candle was snuffed out too quickly, Sharon deserves this and much more. She is alive to me still, her spirit was too beautiful to leave this earth with her. Please, as she should have been honored many years ago, have her name shown as one of the women in the world who helped many a teenage girl believe there are angels here on earth. Let everyone on Hollywood Blvd be reminded of this talented and beatiful woman. Thank you.
Carol Rhode <>
La Crosse, WI USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 23:50:03 (CDT)

Sharon is a beloved and classic Hollywood Star. She should definitely be honored in the way other beloved and classic Hollywood Stars have been honored - the Walk of Fame.
Mickey <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 23:26:56 (CDT)

i can't believe sharon DOESN'T have a star already! long overdue! she should have received one a long time ago. let's honor this beautiful lady.
michael shiflett <>
santa barbara, ca USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 23:51:12 (CDT)

Sharon Tate will always be my favorite actress. Sharon will never be forgotten. Sharon was one of a kind. Thank You Sharon for sharing your Beauty and Talent with the World ! ! ! !
Rob Gramling <>
Decatur, AL USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 19:32:00 (CDT)

No question that Sharon Tate deserves a star for her work in films and television. Not only would a star serve as a tribute to the fine work that she did, but it would also remind the world of the promise that was so tragically cut short. Robert Gallagher Managing Editor, Journal of International Taxation New York
Robert Gallagher <>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 12:08:17 (CDT)

I feel Sharon Tate deserves a star, because it would spotlight to the world what she had already accomplished in her life and what she had the potential to accomplish in her career, instead of just focusing on her unfortunate manner of death.
Carol Miller <>
Dover, DE USA - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 16:49:32 (CDT)

The Hollywood Walk of Fame is known for having great talents on there stars and Sharon is gracefully one of them. She deserves a star just like the rest of them.And even though she doesn't get her star on the Walk of Fame, she will sure have a star in my heart!!
Maritza Navarro <>
Montclair, Ca USA - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 20:46:25 (CDT)

Marilyn Monroe has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,why not Sharon Tate.
Thomas L. Holtzclaw <>
Newport News, VA United States - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 07:45:37 (CDT)

Sharon was a star and deserves a star.
Adam Gibson <>
Tiffin, OH USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 17:20:12 (CDT)

I had never seen anything more than a snapshot of Sharon Tate until recently, when I saw "Valley of the Dolls" for the first time. She stole every seen she was in. I was awestruck by her screen precense. She came across as very vulnerable, yet full of life at the same time. I have never seen anyone so beautiful. As an avid film historian, I know what it takes to be a lasting star. Sharon Tate had what it takes. And, she still makes an impression on viewers of her films over 40 years since her passing. A posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is most deserving of this lovely actress who met an untimely and horrific end.
Katherine LeFlore <>
San Antonio, TX USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 13:45:13 (CDT)

Sharon definitely deserves a star on Hollywood Blvd. She had a lot of talent, especially in a comedic vein in "The Wrecking Crew". I feel she was just getting started and would have gone far. She also seemed to be a beautiful person inside as well as outside, very caring and kind. It would be a very fitting memorial to her.
Anne Buckner <>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 19:37:58 (CDT)

Hi,i'm a big Sharon fan,and although i live on the other side of the world i feel a star would be a great tribute to Sharon.It would allow fans from all over the world to pay homage to her,including myself one day.
Vanessa von Haug <>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 01:58:04 (CDT)

Sharon was working in movies at such a young age and had accomplished so much as a young actor.She played opposite of many big names.She was modern,hip and full of beauty.I have seen all her films and television roles and found her to be a great talent and not to mention a natural beauty.This girl was meant for films.How could the HOWF not honor this lovely lady of 1960's?This would be such a wonderful way to remember this harding working star.I support her and encourage everyone to learn about her work in films.
Bobby Dale Simmons Jr <>
Austin, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:39:34 (CDT)

A beautiful and very talented actress, whose life was cute way, way to short. A great loss.
wil seeley <>
glens falls, ny USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 16:03:05 (CDT)

A bright star that was extinguished well before it's time. I believe that the world was Sharon's oyster. The entertainment world will never know what it could have had. That, to me is a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers always, Kam
Kam Patterson <>
Rohnert Park, CA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 14:37:29 (CDT)

One of my favorite films is "The Fearless Vampire Killers." I think Sharon should have a star. She should be remembered for her work.
Rory Monteith <>
Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 00:22:43 (CDT)

Ninguém é capaz de esquecer uma das mais bonitas estrelas do cinema do século XX. Sua beleza deslumbrante será para sempre lembrada.
Eduardo Cesar Guimarães <>
Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 14:48:56 (CDT)

If anyone deserves a star on the walk, Sharon Tate does, as she walked with the stars. Her talent as an actress deserves to be acknowledged.
Roy McDaniel <>
Bridge City, TX USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 00:57:33 (CDT)

The Hollywood Walk of Fame Commitee To whom it may concern, Quite frankly folks, I am both appalled and profoundly disappointed that both Sharon's friends and fans have to aggressively petition in order for her to receive a Star on the Walk of Fame. What, exactly, is the "criteria" that must be met in order to make a public figure eligilble, qualified, or considered worthy of this much coveted honor? In my humble opinion, there are many HWAF honorees who have not come close to impacting both the entertainment industry and American pop culture in the way Sharon Tate did. I'd really like to learn the specifics of the voting process, since I do not understand how Sharon Tate could possibly have been passed over for 30+ years. Sharon possessed that rare, unique "star quality", that extra something special, that far transcended her magnificent beauty and set her apart from other actresses of her generation. If you watch her films, regardless of whoever happened to be in the same scene, your eyes instinctively follow Sharon. Whatever that intangible quality it is that makes a star, a "STAR", she had it in spades. That has not escaped the attention of hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide and yet, she doesn't have a star on Hollywood Blvd! Sharon was a huge talent with excellent comic timing and had great potential for becoming a serious dramatic actress. Her flair for fashion and her personal sense of style have made her a benevolent symbol of the best of the sixties. Her vulnerable, sweet, and loving spirit shines through all of her films and photos. She was a first class human being, which her family and friends will attest to. Sharon Tate is both a legend and an American icon of enormous magnitude. It is my honor to nominate Sharon Tate for a long overdue and well deserved Star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Lisa Filipelli/ Walnut Creek, Ca. P.S.( I'm sorry this is so long, but it's something I feel very strongly about. Thanks again. Lisa )
Lisa L. Filipelli <>
Walnut Creek, Ca USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 21:08:51 (CDT)

Sharon Tate deserves a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She should be honored for her work in films and the work she would have done if only...
Daniel DeRyckere <>
Southfield, MI USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 19:11:57 (CDT)

a beauty, and her acting career showed such great promise; she would have been a major major star had she lived.
Roxanne Fontana-Treiber <>
beverly hills, ca USA - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 23:04:09 (CDT)

she deserves the two ways about it
jane dobbers <>
new orleans, la USA - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 18:33:34 (CDT)

I'm so suprised that she does not have one already. When I've been in LA and gone to the Walk of fame I've seen some names of people who I dont have any idea who they are. I sure most people have heard of Sharon Tate. It would be nice as this would be paying repect to her career in films.
Jeanne Wallace <>
Las Vegas, nv USA - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 05:53:47 (CDT)

I think sharon was a star,so she decerve this honor and more!!!! because she have many fans all around the world, and she is UNIC.!!!!
christina <>
obregon, son. mexico - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 01:34:00 (CDT)

It is an embaressement that millions of people in the whole world have to sign petitions for a star for Hollywoodlegend Sharon Tate. Sharon Tate is the walk of fame.
joerg krumey
stuttgart, germany - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 17:45:09 (CDT)

Sharon Tate? The world was shocked as the name shook the globe, probably for all times. A nice blonde raising actress so savagely killed holding her baby in the whomb. Not to mention the other innocent victims staying at Cielo Drive that gruesome night. All of a sudden the dream world of filmindustry turned into a nightmare. Suddenly alarmsystems and watchdogs seemed to be more important than clever agents or adequate scripts. After all Sharon never cared about her movies, she just did her job as best as possible telling best friend Sheila Wells not to watch them. And all of a sudden you learn that such a fine person, just fine, a caring member of society, has been mercilessly slaughtered in her own house by the orders of a frustrated man who just had experienced the dark side of life. The subject reminds us of " The beauty and the beast", but in the ferrytale the beast cared about the beauty. Sadly not so in real life. I like Sharon Tate, maybe because of her beauty, maybe because of her destiny. Fact is that she died in city of the angels and that this city, gruesome and fantastic as it is, still denies one of the most tragic episodes in history the wll desereved tribute. What is the matter with Hollywood?
Joerg Krumey
Stuttgart, Germany - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 17:18:00 (CDT)

rachel <>
madrid, spain - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 11:17:12 (CDT)

What a question wether she deserves it or not.Of course she does. Look at her stunning looks, this so called "Mona Lisa smile" according to Lee Strassberg who had worked with her even without succes. Her lack of self esteem made it hard for her to be a "serious actress".But after being confronted with Roman Polanski she finally succeded. You can see it in the vampire movie especially in the end. Never has a combinatin of vulnarbility, duplicity , hidden sxuality, houmor and final evil tragedy been brought by an amateur on the screen. Polanski already led her appear very pale even though she hadn't transformed totally into a vampire yet. It cost her hard work ' cause to work with a genius like him was extrodinary considering his prejudiceses about her. Before that as Odile shw was just a mystery thank god to the black and white cinematography. David Hemmings next to her as a brother added a European charme. In this movie it was her warderobe and I think bow and medallion which let audiences be focused on her. Just strange this beautiful couple captured in black. What a progress that hasn' been realized 'till now. Sharon and the dove, a masterpiece. "Valey of the dolls", the world was anxious to see this movie cause it dealed with the underside of show business and gave a shocking behind the scenes look. What happend? Audiences kept laughing even though it was supposed to be a serious movie. Just the honest and nice person Jennifer , wonderfully portrayed by Sharon, got away with good critics even a Golden Globe nomination. After the insulting treatment of the directeur Marc Robson she finally managed to save this terrible movie. This is Sharon Tate, just a good person.As jennifer she was sad and hilarious, again combinating two characters on the moviescreen. Barbara Parkins was stupid, Patti Duke just ridicilous and Sharon Tate? Just good. I think no one really realized this huge talent, not even mentor and later usband Roman Polanski.She was a decade ahead. While most people were still gloryfing the late Marylin Monroe she had, without knowing, already created a new symbol of feminine appearences. Sober and challenging. Let's not forget the comedic talent she showed us in "don' t make waves" as California sugarcube and disguised Freya Carlson in "the wrecking crew". Amazing the last movie, 12plus 1, just we all know what is going to happen to the female lead. Sadly this knowledge gives a fearfull nostalgia to the setting and the other characters, such as legends like Orson Wells. Ciatation of an unknown: "...a Hollywood sensation, iconic victim of our most ambivalent violence, the unknown and universally recognized minor actress Sharon Tate." It is time for a star
Joerg Krumey
Stuttgart, Germany - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 06:14:19 (CDT)

It's NOT too late to love Sharon Tate. Her extraordinary physical beauty and her beautiful soul will be known througout all time, living on forever. It doesn't take just good taste to realize this. You need to appreciate the good, the right, the just, and the faithful and the hopeful. Then, in an important way, you love Sharon Tate! It's NOT too late!
Ralph Sepe <>
Baldwin Place, NY USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 20:30:45 (CDT)

SHARON deserves a star on the hollywood walk of fame she was one of the most talented and beautiful actresses of all time movies today mimic her looks ERIC
TAYLOR, PA USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 17:02:01 (CDT)

Sharin Tate MUST be honored with a star on the Walk. She deserves at least this much, and I will look forward to seeing Johnny Grant dedicate her Star!
Shannon Miller <>
Corona, CA USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 14:49:58 (CDT)

I think there is no better way to celebrate the life of this beautiful young woman cut down in her prime than to honor her with a star on Hollywood Blvd. Sharon Tate was the epitome of the hollywood starlet. She came from humble beginnings, honed her skill (Valley of the Dolls was fantastic!), and was a beautiful person inside and out. Share Tate was on the verge of the biggest job in her career - motherhood. Let her memory live on in a Star for who she truly was. Do not let her name always be tied to the madman who ordered her taken from us before her time.
Rhiannon Nistico <>
Evendale, OH USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 13:47:15 (CDT)

I think sharon is the most beautiful and talented person that ever lived and so deserves some dedication for what she was.
Denise Foley <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 15:48:20 (CDT)

Sharon had everything it took to be a great actress. Not only was she hauntingly beautiful, but she had poise, range, and (surprisingly for a beautiful girl), comic timing. In this age, when Magic Johnson can receive a star simply for owning a few theaters, it is a shame that Sharon Tate Polanski doesn't have one commemorating her short, but truly vital career.
Michelle McCasey <>
Battle Creek, MI USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 12:07:32 (CDT)

kemptville, on canada - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 10:54:40 (CDT)

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