Tony Curtis: Sharon
and I worked together and were good friends and she will always be missed.
I support Sharon Tate for a star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame."

Celeste Yarnall: "Sharon and I were friends and took acting classes together.
I used to show her headshot and say she was my sister and Sharon would do
the same. Sharon was a wonderful person and talented actress. I support Sharon
for a star on Hollywood Boulevard!"
Gefsky: Sharon Tate was a open, honest, smart and straightforward person.
One of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life, in all ways.
I can't emphasize how beautiful she was - inside and out. Sharon was well
educated and impressed people with her honesty. She had the greatest attributes
a person can have. Sharon never changed from the time she arrived in Hollywood
until the day she left us. Sharon was under contract to me from the first
picture she made until her last. Sharon worked very hard, she studied her
acting to excel as an actress and she did. Her film performances that she
left us and the entertainment that they have brought and continue to bring
merit Sharon Tate to receive a star on Hollywood Boulevard and I support
her all the way!
(Hal Gefsky was Sharon's agent. The following comments are from an interview
Hal did for E! THS - The Last Days of Sharon Tate)
She was very honest. Of course, she was knock out beautiful. And she was
really down to earth and nice to everybody. You couldn't help but be impressed.
I thought she would do great. She'd come home with a stack of cards from
all the guys in town.
Sarne: "Sharon was a luminous beauty, kind, gentle and a wonderful friend
to all who were privileged to know her. She brought out the best in others
and was a human being of extraordinary worth. Her memory is always fresh
in my mind."
Max Baer, Jr.: "When
I first met Sharon on the set of The Beverly Hillbillies, I thought she was
the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Sharon was terrific and I support her
for a star on Hollywood Boulevard."
Geller: "I worked with Jay Sebring at his salon and I met Sharon Tate
through him at Nate and Al's in Beverly Hills. I found Sharon a very beautiful,
charming woman who was so sweet and talented. I support Sharon Tate for a
star on Hollywood Boulevard!"
Leigh: I met Sharon at her Cielo home. Jay Sebring took me
there to a couple of parties. Sharon was always gracious, very beautiful
and very pregnant when I met her. I can see it all in my mind's eye. Sharon
was very nice to me and very secure with herself. Sharon was a talented actress
and I support Sharon for a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame!
Bishop: I wholeheartedly recommend Sharon Tate for a star on the boulevard.
While we are at it, I wholeheartedly recommend Sharon for a star as a human
Pitt: Roman was away somewhere and I stayed for about a week with Sharon.
She had a touch of claustrophobia and hated shutting doors. Even in hotels.
She was a lovely lady. I remember exactly when that photograph was taken.
We had been invited to a charity in, I think, Fresno. It was pretty boring
so we decided to leave and called a hired car to take us to the airport.
Naturally the act of somebody doing something as exciting as phoning for
a cab could not be passed up by the paparrazzi so......
Interview of Ingrid Pitt by Chris Simmons on 7/13/00
Parkins: "She was so sweet, so kind, she was talented, too. Taken before
her time."
(Barbara was maid of honor at Sharon's wedding to Roman Polanski.)
interview for E!